Jubilation in a sentence
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關於「Jubilation in a sentence」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
Jubilation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-WebsterThe meaning of JUBILATION is an act of rejoicing : the state of being jubilant. How to use jubilation in a sentence. | The best 10 jubilation sentence examplesHow to use jubilation in a sentence. Example sentences with the word jubilation. The most voted sentence example for jubilation is Your sweet little baby ... twJubilation Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comjubilation · Origin of jubilation · Words nearby jubilation · Words related to jubilation · How to use jubilation in a sentence · British Dictionary definitions for ... twJubilation in a sentence2017年2月27日 · 39+2 sentence examples: 1. The goal was greeted by jubilation from the home fans. 2. There were scenes of jubilation among her supporters. twA Review of Different Approaches for Detecting Emotion from Textnetworking sites such as YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook etc., ... Rahman et.al [47] proposed a methodology for sentence level emotion detection and.The Past Is Always Present: The Revival of the Byzantine Musical ...1 gl-IS chapter discusses the meaning of spiritual and ritual silence, wordless jubilation, and prayer within the broader sonic space of the monastery.It's All in a Word: History, meaning and the sheer joy of words(28 per cent of words starting with snhave this overtone) 'tw-' ... nation, satisfaction, jubilation, globalisation, marketisation, theorisation, ...The Lancet... 186 ; letter from Mr. G. L. Cooper , 375 ; introductory lecture of Dr. Aldis ... Mr. T. W. Cooke on some distressing scarlatina anginosa , 267 cessful ...The Lancet London: A Journal of British and Foreign Medicine, ...SucInfancy , Mr. T. W. Cooke on some distressing scarlatina anginosa ... 356 ( see Jubilation for medical jargon , 464 Hospital for Consumption and Diseases ...Louise Glück | Poetry FoundationStephanie Burt on girlhood, Twitter, and the pleasure of proper nouns. ... World, Self, Poem: Essays on Contemporary Poetry from the "Jubilation of Poets," ...
- 1举办meaning and pronunciation - translate 举办in English
- 2Please show me example sentences with "举办". | HiNative
我们明天要举办一个欢送派对。 学校下周将會举办一场篮球赛。 年度会议将在月底举办。 举办just like host or take place 举办多用于活动或赛事上.
- 3Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary & Thesaurus
Sample Sentences. 當地畫家將要在這個風景點舉辦展覽。 The local artists will hold an exhibition on the landmark. 他舉...
- 4举办 - Talking Chinese English Dictionary - Purple Culture
- 5举办in English (translation, synonyms, example sentences)